FTC / FEIE Calculator

US Expat Stimulus Calculator

Both Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) and Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) are tax benefits created for US Expats. Choosing between the two options can be tricky, but making the right decision could save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars.

How to use this calculator

By doing the quiz you’ll get a personalized recommendation from our Tax Professionals that will ascend your way to tax compliance.

If you want to learn more about the US Expat tax benefits, read our blog articles about Foreign Earned Income Exclussion (FEIE) and Foreign Tax Credit (FTC).

Your FTC / FEIE Recommendation

If you want to learn more about the US Expat tax benefits, read our blog articles about Foreign Earned Income Exclussion (FEIE) and Foreign Tax Credit (FTC).

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